Ships' Manning | seamanship | part 2

Ships’ Manning | seamanship | part 2

Ships’ Manning | seamanship | part 2

welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will discuss  seamanship & Ships’ Manning

Ships’ Manning

 The captain

•The captain is company representative
•He is primarily responsible for the safe navigation of the ship
•He is responsible for the care and delivery of cargo life and safety of all onboard
•He must also attend all the legal points and other complicated matters which arise during the voyage
•To run the vessel efficiency ,it’s essential
•That the maintain strict discipline by the member of crew

Ship Departments

The ship is divided into four departments :

1- Deck department

2- Engine department

3- Catering department

4- Radio department

Each has its own chief, assisted by junior officers, petty officers and ratings.
At sea continuous watches are maintained by deck, engine and radio departments also to some extend in port. The catering is normally day-work occupation

Deck department

Chief officer

2nd officer

3rd officer

4th officer

Deck cadet



Able seamanship

Efficient deck hand

Senior seaman

Junior ordinary seaman

Deck boy

Engine department

1)Chief engineer

2)2nd engineer

3)3rd engineer

4)4th engineer

5)Junior engineer

6)Ch . electrician


8)Refrigerator engineer

9)Engineer cadet

10) Pump man

11) Engine store

12) Keeper

13) Donkey – man

14) Fitter

15) Mechanic

16) Greaser / oiler

17) Wiper

18) Fire man 

Catering department

1)Chief purser


3)Chief steward


5)Bar man

6)Chief cook

7)Assistant book


9)Galley boy

10)Pantry boy

Radio department

1)Chief radio off

2)Radio officer


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