
Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 3


Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 3

welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will complete Introduction to Navigation & Navigation Meaning & Navigation Definition


1.5.4 Difference of latitude ( IN BASIC TERRESTRIAL NAVIGATION :

introduction to navigation | navigation meaning | navigation definition
Difference of latitude (
Difference of latitude (
Difference of latitude (
Difference of latitude (
Difference of latitude (

 The rule for finding can thus be summarized as follows:

·         Same names                                                     subtract

·         Opposite names                                                add.


In northern hemisphere:

Ø will be named SOUTH (S) if the ship is moving from a greater latitude (N) to a smaller latitude (N).

Ø will be named NORTH (N) if the ship is moving from a smaller latitude (N) to a  greater latitude (N).

In southern hemisphere:

Ø will be named NORTH (N) if the ship is moving from a greater latitude (S) to a smaller latitude (S).

Ø will be named SOUTH (S) if the ship is moving from a  smaller latitude (S) to a greater latitude (S).

Ø  If both latitudes have opposite names, will have the same sign as the arrival  latitude.


1.5.5 Difference of longitude (d.long.) IN BASIC TERETRIAL NAVIGATION:

Difference of longitude (d.long.)
Difference of longitude (d.long.)

In Eastern hemisphere:

Ø  D.long. will be named EAST (E) if the ship is moving from a smaller meridian (E) to a  greater meridian (E).

Ø  D.long. will be named WEST (W) if the ship is moving from a greater meridian (E) to a  smaller meridian (E).


In Western hemisphere:

Ø  D.long. will be named EAST (E) if the ship is moving from a greater meridian (W) to a  smaller meridian (W).

Ø  D.long. will be named WEST (W) if the ship is moving from a smaller meridian (W) to a  greater meridian (W).

A slight complication may appear if the sum of the two longitudes is greater than 180°, in this case the d.long. will be 360° minus the sum of the two longitudes. Consequently, the sign of d.long. will be changed.

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