31 July

Ship Dimensions and Form

Ship Dimensions and Form 1)After Perpendicular (AP):A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at the pointwhere the  aft side of the rudder post meets the summer loadline. 2)Forward Perpendicular (FP): A …

31 July

Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 3

  Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 3 welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will complete Introduction to Navigation & Navigation Meaning & Navigation Definition Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 1 Basic …

Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 2
29 July

Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 2

Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 2 welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will complete Introduction to Navigation & Navigation Definition & Navigation MeaningChapter One Navigation and Shape of the Earth …

Basic Terrestrial Navigation
29 July

Basic Terrestrial Navigation part 1

Basic Terrestrial Navigation   Welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will talk about Introduction To Navigation and Navigation Meaning and  Navigation Definition Chapter One Basic Terrestrial Navigation and Shape …
