
Ship Dimensions and Form


Ship Dimensions and Form

Ship Dimensions and Form

1)After Perpendicular (AP):A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at the pointwhere the  aft side of the rudder post meets the summer loadline.

2)Forward Perpendicular (FP): A perpendicular drawn to the waterline at thepoint where  the foreside of the stem meets the summer loadline.

3)Length Between Perpendiculars (LBP): The length between the forward and  aft perpendiculars measured along the summer loadline.



MouldedBeam:Measured at the amidships section is the maximum moulded breadth of  theship

Moulded Draft: Measured from the base line to the summer load line at the midship  section. 

Moulded Depth: Measured from the base line to the heel of the upper deck beam at the  ship’s side amidships.

Sheer: Curvature of decks in the longitudinal direction.

Rise of Floor (or Deadrise): The rise of the bottom shell plating line above the base  line.


Flare: The outward curvature of the side shell above the waterline.


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