parts of ship | ship’s hull | ship hull design | ship hatch covers | seamanship | part 6 | Parts of Bow | parts of a vessel

Welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will discuss  

parts of ship | ship’s hull | ship hull design | ship hatch covers | seamanship | part 5  

 the main parts of the ship 
parts of ship | ship's hull | ship hull design | ship hatch covers | seamanship | part 5



1. The Hull:

 Is the main body of a ship excluding masts and other equipment, It is divided mainly into 
three parts, the fore part, the middle part, and the after part.

2. Bow:

 The fore-most curved portion of the hull.

3. Middle:

 The mid-ship portion of the hull.

4. Stern

The after-most curved portion of the hull.

5. Starboard:

 The right side of a vessel when looking forward.

6. Port

The left side of a vessel when looking forward.

2. Parts of Bow

Parts of Bow

a.   Jack staff: 

Jack staff

A small flag staff at the stem heads on which ships hoist their
 owner’s house-flag & the anchor black ball.

b.   Hawse pipe:

Hawse pipe
A pipe extending from the shell plate to the deck through which 
the anchor chain pass from outboard to inboard.

C.  Compressor:


An anchor chain link stopper.

D.   Windlass:


 Deck machinery for paying out and lifting up the anchor chain. 

E.   Chain locker:

A locker to stow the anchor chain located underneath the bow deck.

F.   Chain pipe:

A pipe which leads the anchor chains from the windlass to the chain locker.

G.   Bitt & Bollard

Short stanchion(s) used for mooring the vessel. One short stanchion is called a bitt, while a set of two short stanchions is called a bollard.

Forepeak tank


A water tank located beneath the lowermost deck of the bow. It is used as a trimming or domestic water tank.


Fore watertight bulkhead


One of the main vertical partitions in a ship. And act as safeguard against sea, and spread of fire.

Bow thrusters ( tunnel thrusters )


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