Ships’ Manning | deck officer | Maritime Deck department | seamanship | part 3
welcome to Marine Courses Center today we will discuss seamanship & deck officerMaritime Deck department
The Captain in the Maritime Deck Department:
He is responsible to run the vessel efficiently and safely.He is the head of deck department.
He must also attend to the many legal points and other complicated matters which arise during the voyage.
He must possess a Master’s certificate of competency
Chief Officer (First Mate) in the Maritime Deck Department :
He must possess a First Mate’s certificate of competency.He is responsible for stowage of Cargo, stability, deck equipment and ship’s maintenance.He is responsible for the management deck officers and personnel of the deck department, also to some extend he is responsible for security.He is responsible for navigational watches 8 hours daily at sea from 0400 to 0800 hours and from 1600 to 2000 hours.2nd officer (Second Mate) in the Maritime Deck Department :
He must possess a Second Mate’s certificate of competency.He is usually the navigating officer keeping charts & navigation equipment up to date and assists the chief officer with the cargo work during his deck watch.He is responsible for navigational watches 8 hours daily at sea from 1200 to 0400 hours and from 0000 to 0400 hours.3rd officer (Third Mate) in the Maritime Deck Department :
He requires Third Mate’s certificate or Second Mate’s certificate.He is responsible for all safety appliances on board.He is responsible for navigational watches 8 hours daily at sea from 0800 to 1200 hours and from 2000 to 2400 hours.Deck Cadet/Apprentices :
He is an academic student under training to become deck officer.He start training in the engine room, deck and bridge.Normally he is in the chief mate’s sea watch.
Boatswain (Bosun) :
Responsible for the work of deck crew under the supervision of the chief mate or deck officers.
Carpenter :
His main duties are the sounding of all tanks and bilges.
Operating the windless when anchoring or berthing.
The repair of any wooden parts on board, also responsible for greasing and oiling of all deck machinery.
Able-Bodied Seaman (A/B) :
He must have at least three years sea service.He should be able to steer.He holds a lifeboat and A. B’s Certificate.
Senior Seaman (S. 0. S) :
He requires no experience.He must be at least 17 1/2 years of age.Deck Boy :
He serves less than nine months at sea.Link Suggestions
- HELM ORDERS | seamanship | part 1
- Ships’ Manning | seamanship | part 2
- Radar Plotting Sheet

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