ship pilot | maritime pilot | maritime pilot | pilot vessel | pilot ladder requirements | seamanship | part

ship pilot | maritime pilot | maritime pilot | pilot vessel | pilot ladder requirements | seamanship | part

ship pilot | maritime pilot | maritime pilot | pilot vessel | pilot ladder requirements | seamanship | part 

ship pilot | maritime pilot | maritime pilot | pilot vessel | pilot ladder requirements | seamanship | part

 Prepare pilot ladder for pilot’s used | pilot ladder requirements 

  • Normally the pilot give instruction to ship to indicate which side pilot ladder to be rigged and the distance between the lowest step and water surface.
  • If no instruction from pilot, the ladder must be rigged on the lee-side at the position on deck for pilot embarkation.
  •  The embarkation and disembarkation of the pilot on board ship should be supervised by a responsible officer, 

 which should check the following :-

  1. The pilot ladder ropes fast on the deck eye and avoid the ship’s rail.
  2. The distance between the lowest ladder step and water surface as per the pilot or master instruction.
  3.  The ladder steps in horizontal along the ship’s side.

Construction of the pilot ladder

requirements of the ship pilot ladder :-

  1.  If made of hardwood or other than hardwoods must be
    approved by the administration.
  2.  The four lowest steps must be cover with rupper  or other  material to the satisfaction of the Administration and the lowest spreader step should be the fifth step.   
  3. They should have an efficient non-slip surface. 

Normal steps and spreaders

  1. They should be not less than 40 cm between the side ropes, 11.5 cm wide and 2.5 cm in depth.  
  2.   steps  (from 38 cm to 30 cm )

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 Pilot Ladder Ropes 

  1. The side ropes of the ladder should accommodates two uncovered
  2. ropes diameter shall be not less than  18 MM on each side and not joins.
  3. the fabric of side ropes should to be strength fabricated from Manila and must be approved by administration
  4. the man ropes diameter properly secured and not less than 28 mm

Access to the ship’s deck

The following  equipment shall be kept at hand ready for immediate use:-


  1. Two ropes diameter not less than 28 mm and properly secured  to the ship, if required by the pilot.
  2. A lifebuoy equipped with a self- igniting light. 
  3. A heaving line. 
  4. Stanchions and bulwark ladders shall be provided.

 Lighting And Ship’s side doors

  1. the lighting must be proper use and in good condition.
  2. Ship side doors used for pilot transfer shall not open outwards.
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  • An accommodation ladder when the distance from the surface of the water to ship is more than 9 m.
  • The accommodation ladder shall be sited leading aft. 


Accommodation Ladder Used In Conjunction With Pilot Ladder 

  1.  Clear of all discharges.
  2.  The length of the accommodation ladder.  
  3. slope angle of  not exceed 55°. 



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