Nautical Publications | Nautical Charts and Publications | Admiralty Nautical Publications
Nautical Publications
Carriage of Nautical Charts and Nautical Publication
Chapter V of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea 1974 (SOLAS), as amended in accordance with its Protocol of 1988 and by IMO Resolution MSC.99 (73) came into force on 1 July 2002. Requires
All ships shall carry adequate and up-to-date charts, sailing directions, lists of lights, notices to mariners, tide tables and all other nautical publications necessary for the intended voyage.
Nautical Charts and Publications
Admiralty or ‘BA’ charts and Publications are in use by the majority of commercial vessels for navigation. They cover the navigable areas of the world and are corrected & updated with the latest information made available in the Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners. The charts, publications and Weekly Notices to Mariners are available from Admiralty Chart Agents located in many countries around the World.
Paper Charts and Publications produced by Hydrographic Offices and maintained as required are presently the accepted product used in Navigation. These are being supplemented or replaced by Electronic Charts and Publications which can be used for primary navigation when certain criteria are complied with.
Admiralty Nautical Publications
Admiralty Maritime Products & Services Catalogue (NP131) A comprehensive reference in graphical and textual of all Admiralty Charts and Publications worldwide listed by region. The catalogue gives full details for each chart and publication, including details of electronic charts (ARCS) and Admiralty distributors worldwide.
The following details can be obtained from the catalogue
- Details of all the navigational charts.
- Details of all navigational publications used (Sailing Directions, List of Lights, Tide Table and so on)
- Details of electronic charts
- Lists Admiralty chart Agents.
The catalogue is updated and published annually
Admiralty Sailing Direction ( NP 1 —— NP 72 )
Worldwide coverage is provided in 75 Volumes, the information in sailing directions is intended primarily for vessel over 12 meters in length.
Admiralty sailing directions are complementary to the charts and to the other navigational publications
Admiralty sailing directions are often referred as Pilots Books. They are designed to assist the merchant mariner on all classes of ocean-going vessel and provide essential information on all aspects of navigation including:
- Navigational hazards.
- Buoyage systems.
- Regulations.
- General notes on the countries.
- Pilotage.
- Port entry.
- Port facilities.
- Meteorological data.
- Seasonal currents.
- Ice and climatic conditions.
- Coastline descriptions.