Main Types of Ships and the Uses of Each Type | seamanship | marine courses center

Main Types of Ships and the Uses of Each Type | seamanship | marine courses center

Main Types of Ships & the Uses of Each Type


 3.1 Merchant ships

Merchant ships are these ships that transport cargo and/or pax1 from place to place in return of freight. Thus these ships work for profit and the economical factor governs many aspects during building, operation and demolishing of this type of ships.
Merchant ships are divided into two main parts according to the requirements of SOLAS2 as:

1.Passenger Ship
2.Cargo ship.

3.1.1 Passenger Ships

Definition of Passenger Vessel:

A passenger ship is defined as any ship capable of carrying more than twelve passengers.
Passenger ships could be sorted according to type of service provided as:

 a- Non profit leisure yacht
b- Luxury passenger ships
 c- Ferry boats for passengers 
d- Passenger/cargo ships

Passenger ships could also be sorted according to Range of Sailing as

•International voyages. These are the voyages of more than 600 nautical miles between the two ports.
•Short International voyages. These are the voyages of less than 600 nautical miles between two ports providing that the voyage is within 200 nautical miles from nearest land.
•Coastal voyages. These are the voyages with courses not more than 20 nautical miles from the nearest land.
•Inland voyages these are the voyages commenced in waterways such as rivers, canals and lakes. Leisure yacht (Non-profit)

Leisure yacht | marine courses center

These boats are built usually for personal recreation and they are not engaged in trade, they will carry minimum amount of Life Saving Appliances. Luxury passenger ship

Luxury passenger ship | marine courses center

  1.  Used for luxury transportation of passenger thus many leisure facilities are found onboard.
  2. Can be distinguished by her almost box shaped with many cabins (rooms) on all decks having windows (port-holes) and many life saving appliances.
  3. They don’t have any cargo space.
  4. Size usually medium to very large.
  5. Speed usually medium to very high. Ferry boats for passengers

Ferry boats for passengers | marine courses center
  1.  Used for transportation of passenger without cars.
  2. Can be distinguished by her almost box shaped with many cabins (rooms) on all decks.
  3. They don’t have any cargo space.
  4. – Size usually medium to large.
  5. Speed usually medium to very high.

3.1.2Passenger/Cargo ships

Passenger/Cargo ships

1- Used for transporting passenger and vehicles on wheels (cars/trains).
2- Can be distinguished by her almost box shaped with many cabins on decks above main deck.
3- The decks between water line to cabin deck are used as garage so these ferry boats may have bow/stern doors and/or ramps.
3- Size usually medium to large.
4- Speed usually medium to very high.



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