Carriage of Nautical Charts and Nautical Publication

Carriage of Nautical Charts and Nautical Publication

  • SOLAS regulations require all ships to carry adequate and up-to-date nautical charts and publications necessary for their intended voyage.
  • The majority of commercial vessels use Admiralty or ‘BA’ charts and publications for navigation.
  • These charts and publications cover navigable areas of the world and are corrected and updated with the latest information provided in the Admiralty Weekly Notices to Mariners.
  • Admiralty Chart Agents are located worldwide and provide access to these charts, publications and notices.
  • While paper charts and publications are still widely used in navigation, they are being gradually replaced by electronic charts and publications which can be used for primary navigation if certain criteria are met.
  • It is important for ships to ensure that they are carrying the most updated and accurate charts and publications for their voyage to ensure safe navigation.


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