Blog Marine Courses Center

Showing 21 - 30 of 149 results
An Essential Guide to Maritime Safety Maritime Aids to Navigation When it comes to maritime safety, there are several key...
Exploring Various Alarm Types on Ships for Emergency Situations Navigating the open seas is a dynamic and challenging endeavor, where...
Navigating the Open Seas: A Closer Look at Ship Alarms for Emergency Situations Introduction to Ship Alarms for Emergency Situations...
The Bridge Team: Roles, Responsibilities, and Communication on Ships The bridge team is an essential part of any ship’s crew...
What is a Deck Log Book on Ships and Entries Made in It? A deck log book is a vital...
Introduction SEARCH & RESCUE operations Search and rescue (SAR) operations are essential endeavors that aim to save lives and provide...
السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته يومكم جميل وان شاء الله تبدأو الدورة ضابط ثان علي خير حابب اوضحلكم اننا ان...
ملخص مواد الاكاديمية السلام عليكم ورحمه الله وبركاته يومكم جميل وان شاء الله تبدأو الدورة ضابط ثان علي خير حابب...